
Showing posts from September, 2018

Reconstruction - Content You Want To See

Welcome back to my new blog everyone. I have decided to switch my main blog from Tumblr to Blogger, and completely gave the website a great face-lift. I really hope you enjoy refresh, and I'd like to thank Google for providing a great blogging platform. With that being said, I'm currently going to be working on some changes to I distribute my content to benefit you, the viewers. Don't worry, I'll still be using Tumblr, as I'll explain later in this article, but there are going to be some changes to what's being displayed there. Now without further ado, here's some information about what's to come for you all, and what's changed. Blogger: Announcements, Reviews, Tutorials, & Fun Available at  -- You Are Here! My main website, which uses the domain I got from Freenom (, is going to be all about Announcements, Reviews, Tutorials, and Fun. As my professional blog, only content that is considered to be p